The Existential Horror Official Magazine
Vol. 1
Existential Horror is a physical magazine designed as a companion for anybody who takes (an interest in) psychedelics. The magazine covers the art, philosophy, spirituality, and the science of psychedelia.
This 230+ page project is an appreciation of the fact that psychedelic enquiry is as much a study as it is a journey. This magazine is for the recreational user, the medicinal user, and those who are simply curious.
It is not about the glorification or the dangers of psychedelics, it is about analysing the intricacies of them through a critical and creative lens. All articles and imagery have been crafted with the psychedelic headspace in mind.
This is an annual magazine. Only one volume will be released per year.
The magazine will be separated into two halves:
While Tripping
The first half of the magazine will be crafted with those who are currently tripping in mind. In this half, the topics and artwork displayed will be light-hearted and bright. The articles will also be shorter as reading while tripping can be tough.
I understand that psychedelics can put you in a fragile state of mind, so I want to accommodate for that by keeping this section colourful and easy.
While Sober
The second half of the magazine will cover generally darker and more complex topics. The artwork might be more jarring, and the discussions will cut a little deeper. This side will also have more long-form texts, exploring a wider array of issues.
There will be a clear segment in the magazine between these two halves, meaning that even if you are tripping, you won’t enter this side unless you truly want to.
Vol. 1
The debut edition will cover the following topics:
Complex philosophical concepts explained in plain English through a psychedelic lens.
Artwork, illustration, and photography will be showcased, accompanied by discussions about art, and questions about the realm of beauty.
Harm Reduction
Practical and actionable advice on how to stay safe while under the influence of various different substances.
Fiction & Poetry
Short stories and poetry set within the world of psychedelics.
Mental Health
Exploring depression, trauma, anxiety and other serious issues.
Niche areas within science which provide us with a new outlook on the nature of our reality.
Do I need to take psychedelics to appreciate the magazine?
Not at all. While this magazine is aimed at fans of psychedelics, a great deal of the topics discussed can be enjoyed by anybody! If you’re interested in art, philosophy, science, and spirituality, then you’ll probably find something worthwhile in the magazine.
Is this magazine in support of the psychedelic experience?
Yes. Don’t let the word ‘horror’ dissuade you. Read more about the name here.
How often will each volume come out?
I am currently working on Vol. 2, although there is no release date as of yet. It's a slow process, but there definitely will be one coming out!
How big is the magazine?
It is 7 x 10 inches.
The 1st Edition will have 234 pages.
Is the packaging discrete?
Absolutely! The packaging is very much discrete.
What qualifies you to make this magazine?
Honestly, nothing*. That's what makes it so exciting!
(*apart from 12+ psychedelic experiences)