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Submit content for Volume 2 of Existential Horror

For a brief period, I will be accepting submissions for the Existential Horror magazine, Vol.2.

If you personally received a link to this page from me, then you are an individual whose perspective I value, and who I would love to include in the Existential Horror magazine.

What type of content am I looking for?

Anything really. Articles, poetry, artwork, short stories, etc. I guess the only things that cannot be submitted are music or videos, as there is no sufficient way to put them in print media… but anything else is great!

The content does not need to be related to substance use. Other topics such as philosophy, sociology, art, mental health, and science are extremely welcomed!

What are the guidelines?

I’m not super strict about what sort of stuff gets written, and how it is formatted, so there’s no need to follow any styles guides such as AP or Chicago or anything like that (you can, but you don’t have to).

Article guidelines:

  • The word-count for articles is between 200—1500 words.

  • The topic can be anything you wish! Existential Horror is a magazine primarily about psychedelics and substances, so any substance-related content is entirely welcome… but really it is by no means limited to this. Topics in philosophy, sociology, art, mental health, and science are the main areas being explored in Volume 2.

  • Trip reports are allowed.

  • If you are planning to write about drugs, then any and all perspectives on it are appreciated! Existential Horror is founded on the desire for opening a candid and reflective dialogue about substance use, and the experiences that form from it.

  • No links can be used in articles, as the articles will be in printed format only.

  • Subheadings are encouraged where possible.

  • Try and use sources where you can, but if you’re writing a very informal piece, then don’t worry too much about that. You can use citations, but again, it’s not a requirement.

  • I would appreciate it if you run an idea by me beforehand, but you don’t really need to.

Artwork/images guidelines:

  • No guidelines for this, really. Anything goes. It’s art, so I don’t want to be setting any real limits on it.

  • There is one thing to point out though, images will need to be very sharp/large/high quality, just so that it doesn’t look pixilated in the magazine.

Short stories/poetry guidelines:

  • The word count can be between 1—1500 words.

  • No rules on the topic. It can be about substance use, or it can be about anything else!


Your name or pseudonym will be shown next to your work. I can also include details about any projects you’re working on, or your social media accounts if you’d like.

I understand that this is nowhere near the same as receiving payment for your work, and if the lack of money is a deal breaker for you then I would FULLY understand. As a professional writer myself, I understand the frustration of people being offered “exposure” or other platitudes as a replacement for money. I do intend to offer some financial payment to people who have content which enters the magazine, however this would come much further in the future. Again, I fully understand if this is a deal breaker.

Deadline for submissions:

The deadline for the first round of submissions is November 30th 2022.