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Existential Horror is a collection of works spearheaded by Kai Morris. This mainly includes art projects and as well as academic endevours.

The Official Magazine Vol. 2 [NEW]

The Existential Horror magazine Vol. 2 is a 250+ page project aimed at examining the psychedelic experience, and substance use culture. It is a physical magazine that features artist interviews, trip reports, niche harm reduction advice, essays, art, fiction, and guides. It is a range of philosophical, scientific, artistic, and spiritual perspectives.

The Official Magazine Vol. 1

The Existential Horror magazine is a 230+ page project dedicated to the psychedelic experience. It is a physical magazine which has been crafted to function as a companion to anybody who takes an intrerest in the philosophical, sociological, and scientific aspects of substance use, and substance use culture.

2022 T-Shirt Collection Capsule 1

A limited collection of 10 t-shirts. This is the first clothing collection from Existential Horror. This collection contains a range of t-shirts focusing on substance-related, philosophical, and rave-culture themes.

Mutable Creatures

Mutable Creatures is a fashion philosophy book covering the cross-section between aesthetics and identity. It is a phenomenological examination of selfhood in the context of clothing and art. The central elements of the book focus on the work of Martin Heidegger, Søren Kierkegaard, and Emmanuel Levinas, among other philosophers. It is currently in its alpha stage, so copies are not on sale, but reach out to me if you are interested in taking a look!

The Magnificent Legacy

The Magnifient Legacy is a short story/graphic novel hybrid print, designed on a 24x36” canvas. Printed on Hahnemühle German Etching copperplate 310gsm paper. Comes with official authentication.

A Double Rooted Flower

An illustrated poem and self-portrait separated into six parts– size 18x24 inches. The themes of this artwork cover disconnection, confusion, and internal conflict. Prints will be avaiable soon.

A Rabbit Hole with Teeth

A creative project examining the dissociative experience. This is a 100-page XL artbook made up of illustrations, short stories, essays, and poems all created by me. It offers a candid, educational, and explorative look at what it means to be dissociated. This is created from the perspective of a long-term sufferer of derealisation… as well as a fan of dissociative substances.


Anemones is a surrealist short story written in eight parts. This is the first short story that I have polished and refined.


I write articles on Medium, covering a wide range of topics. If you are interested in knowing what I’ve currently been researching, or what’s on my mind, check my stuff out over here!

Decentralised Soul

Decentralised Soul is a Medium publication exploring the blockchain industry from a philosophical, ethical, and sociological context. The aim of this is to examine this technology, and its societal implications, from a perspective that is rarely discussed within such circles.

I am currently on the lookout for writers to contribute.

Ghostwriting & Copywritng

I am a professional tech ethicist with 6+ years of experience in the blockchain field. Come to my business site to read more about what I do as an ethicist, and how I bring my philosophical studies to my everyday work life.